Views from the corner

April 17, 2008

3 easy things you can do to go green

Filed under: environment issues — Tags: , , — marley howards @ 5:22 am

There are still a lot of people in this world, who doesn’t even care about what is currently happening in our environment. Day by day, minute by minute, time passes us just like *snap*. One day, you would realize that, what you have been doing for the past few years, contributed a lot to the damages in the world.

So, what can we do about global warming then? Starting after you read this article, here are three basic tips that are very easy to apply to our daily lives.

1. Plastics – We use them everyday. Groceries, shopping, distilled water bottles, it is everywhere! This is what you can do. Bring your own bag when shopping. Imagine, if one grocery shopper gets around 3 to 5 plastic bags per grocery trip, you would have saved 240 plastic bags on your grocery trips alone. If we all did that, imagine the exponential value of it. Also, Bring water jugs instead of using those distilled water bottles.

2. Cars– We are at one point guilty of this. We want fancy cars but, do we really need it? For example my friend got a SUV that consumes 11 miles per gallon versus another brand of SUV that consumes 18 miles per gallon. You would not only save money, but you would also save the environment. You want to go the extra mile in saving the environment? Buy a bike. Another extra mile further? Walk!

3. Trees – Not all of us have our own backyard. Lucky you if you have. What if you don’t? Here is what all of us should do. go to the plant nursery, buy one plant or more if you would like. Take care of it and just let it stay on your window sill. Picture this, every people on the planet plants one plant.

There are other ways you can do to help fight global warming. What is important here is, this should start from us, not from others. What would you do to help fight it?

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